Periodontal care is a service that our team provides, including regular visits for periodontitis treatment. Patients with periodontitis will be expected to undergo periodontal care every 3 to 6 months. Periodontal treatment is most effective when our patients take care of their oral health at home. Our team at Amherst Village Dental wants to stop the spread and development of periodontitis, an oral disease that could lead to lost teeth and lost bone.

Maintaining Periodontal Disease With Us: Non-Surgical Solutions

Our team administers periodontal care, a process where plaque and tartar are removed from the teeth and gums to stop the advance of periodontal diseases. Regular visits – at least once every six months – are crucial to protect both the teeth and the gums from periodontal disease. Our team performs root scaling, a process that involves scraping plaque from the teeth and from pockets below the gumline. The gums will remain infected when plaque resides below the gumline, so it is important for our team to remove the hidden plaque. Root scaling also removes rough patches from the teeth. This is vital since the rough patches are vulnerable to both plaque and to harmful bacteria. Antibiotics also play a significant role in periodontal treatment, helping to prevent bacteria from spreading.

Maintaining Periodontal Disease With Us: Surgical Solutions

Pocket reduction surgery involves making small incisions in the gum to lift the gum tissue back. This allows our team more access to the roots, which makes root scaling more effective. Pocket reduction surgery procedures can also reshape the underlying bone, making the gums easier to maintain after the patient heals from the procedure. Soft tissue grafts involve taking tissue from a healthy part of the mouth – such as the roof of the mouth – and grafting them onto an unhealthy part of the gums. Bone grafting works on a similar principle except that bone is being scraped, donated, or synthesized to replace lost bone in the mouth. Guided tissue regeneration is a term for any procedure that restores bone that was destroyed by harmful bacteria. Finally, applying a specially designed gel filled with tissue-rebuilding proteins is an option for restoring lost bone.

Caring For Your Mouth

During the time between appointments, recovery will be considerably easier for patients that practice excellent oral hygiene at home. Brushing and flossing twice a day while rinsing consistently throughout the day with an antibacterial mouthwash can increase the rate at which the infection can be stopped. Keeping up on oral hygiene requires a good diet. Starches and sweets contribute to increased plaque growth, so minimizing the consumption of food and beverages such as soda and potato chips is highly encouraged. Our team also recommends avoiding acidic foods and drinks such as carbonated sodas. Our team recommends a diet with lots of fresh produce including dark leafy greens such as kale and spinach.

Our Services

Schedule Your Appointment

Don’t let failing and missing teeth keep you from feeling confident or from doing the things you love. Call us today at 603-673-5510 to invest into your health, your life, and your future.




1 Limbo Lane
Amherst, NH 03031-1871

Mon – Wed: 7:00am – 4:00pm
Thur: 8:00am – 2:00pm